Updated official 2024 Israel trademark fees from the Israel Patent Office (ILPO)

About the fee list

The table below provides updated official 2024 Israel trademark fees from the Israel Patent Office (ILPO) for trademark filing, prosecution, allowance, and renewals. Contact Us for assistance with all aspects of Israel trademark applications.

Category Fee in NIS Fee in USD
Filing a trademark application in one class under section 7 of the Ordinance 1,795 500
Filing fee for each additional trademark class 1,350 380
International (Madrid) trademark applications
Filing an application for international registration under section 56c (1) of the Ordinance 590 170
Filing an extension application for international registration under section 56c (2) of the Ordinance 590 170
Extension of international registration validity under section 56J (1) of the Ordinance 590 170
For Search Under Rule 78 (a) 715 200
Expedited accelerated examination
Request for accelerated examination under Rule 22(c) for each class 842 240
Documents and changes in registration details
Request for change of registration, transfer of ownership, registration or revocation under sections 20, 36 (a) (3), (4), (5), 49 (a), 51 or 52 of the Ordinance as well as upon filing an application for repair of the register for which it is not A different fee was set for each mark. 351 100
For photocopying every document, per page 4 10
For approval of any registration (certificate or formulation) under section 6 (b) of the Ordinance 54 20
For a scanned copy of a registry file 52 20
Extensions of time
Extension under Rule 82 for each month or part thereof, for each mark 81 30
Extension under Rule 82 for two months, for each mark 162 50
Extension under Rule 82 for three months, for each mark 243 70
Extension under Rule 82 for four months, for each mark 324 90
Extension under Rule 82 for five months, for each mark 405 120
Extension under Rule 82 for six months, for each mark 486 140
Objections and appeals
Upon filing a notice of objection, application for repair of a register or request for cancellation of registration of a trade mark under sections 24 (a), 38 or 41 of the order, for each type of goods 904 250
Submit an application to make arguments in the hearing under Rule 26 540 150
Appeals under Sections 24 (f), 29 and 41 (b) of the Ordinance or Regulation 73 842 240
Renewal of a trademark registration under section 32 of the Ordinance 3,199 890
Renewal for other classes under the same trademark 2,700 750
Extension for renewal under Rule 52 (2) per month or part of a month 81 30
Revival fee under Rule 53 (a) for each type of goods 1,242 350

 While we endeavor to provide the most correct and updated information, some error may creep into the table above and we are not responsible for any loss related to such inadvertent error. Actual fees provided as part of a quote shall always supersede any fees provided on this page. The source for the fees here may be found at: https://ecom.gov.il/counterspa/home/14/2/patents?language=he. Note that USD fees are estimates only based on exchange rates as of January 2024 and are thus subject to change. Note that these are the official ILPO fees only and do not include any patent attorney or paralegal fees related to the described activity. Contact us for a proposal for any Israel patent application, prosecution or renewal.